Saturday, October 16, 2004

Hardly a day passes without another news story about Republican electoral skullduggery. It's pretty clear that the GOP will try to steal the coming election by whatever means it takes, and I'm particularly worried about those states where the Republicans control the electoral machinery. I wonder if one of the tactics in FL, OH, and elsewhere might involve a refusal by GOP Secretaries of State to certify election tallies in a timely fashion? Looking back to Florida 2000, we remember that Kathleen Harris made sure to certify the vote quickly, before the ongoing recount could prove Al Gore to be the winner. But suppose Kerry does well in the critical swing states; I'm betting Rove will intervene by directing GOP officials to suspend the certification process while lawsuits alleging Democratic fraud are filed and fought in the courts. He will try to create legal chaos, trusting that the Supreme Court will again come to the rescue of the GOP.

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